Shoulder Pain

Shoulder is the most commonly used joint in our daily activities. Whether to put a glass on table, open a door, drive a car every small activity requires the shoulder movement to occur properly and in all directions in order to carry out proper function. Thus, the shoulder joint helps us in performing various tasks and functions without any limitations.
If it is painful it may lead to difficulties in Sleeping, performing various activities, and one may end up being unable to do even a simple activity like raising their arm.

There can be many reasons which cause the Shoulder pain such as :
➤ Aging (Degeneration)
➤ Fall on an outstretched hand
➤ Overuse injury
➤ Muscular imbalance (due to muscle weakness)
➤ Abnormal Posture (Protracted Shoulders)
➤ Lifting heavy objects
➤ Incorrect sleeping position
➤ Direct trauma
Some of the conditions that can cause Shoulder pain are:
➤ Rotator Cuff Injury
➤ Fractures
➤ Subacromial Bursitis
➤ Supraspinatus Impingement
➤ SLAP lesions
➤ Capsular Tightness
➤ Frozen Shoulder
➤ Shoulder Dislocation and Instability
➤ Arthritis etc
Physiotherapy helps in finding out the exact cause of the problem by doing proper assessment and special tests which are done manually by the therapists along with the help of other investigations like X-Rays, MRI which are also clinically correlated.

Some of the Various treatments that physiotherapy offers includes:
➤ Modalities such as TENS, Ultrasound, LASER along with proper Exercise plans in order to reduce swelling and pain and work on the muscles, capsules and other tissues around the shoulder .
➤ Mobilizations helps in gaining the full movement of the joint in a pain-free manner in order to carry out normal daily activities.
➤ Stretching exercises are done to relax the tight structures like capsule inside and help gaining full movement with better posture
➤ Resistance Training/ Strengthening exercises with the help of weights, TheraBand, dumbles are done in order to strengthen the weak muscles which are supporting the shoulder and to prevent further injuries.
➤ Proper positioning of hand while sitting with the help of pillows and proper positioning of shoulder while sleeping are all taught and well explained by the therapist.
➤ Various ROM exercises are done to increase the restricted range of the shoulder
➤ Precautions are also explained by the therapist in order to manage the condition and to prevent the same or other problem later in life
➤ Advance techniques like taping can also help in providing good support and relieves pain over the area. Cupping can help remove pain causing toxic chemicals and provide relaxation.
Since the shoulder problems are increasing day by day , the physiotherapy treatments are taking over.
Where surgeries and pills fail to meet the needs and demands of patients, PHYSIOTHERAPY comes into play considering every single issue of a person and managing it with the best therapy options.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is physiotherapy good for shoulder pain?
Problems in the shoulder can occur with day-to-day wear and tear, overuse, or an isolated injury. These pains can be easily treated with physiotherapy where an accurate diagnosis is done and the proper treatment is given.
How do I stop my shoulder pain?
Various ways to stop shoulder pain are :
‣ Anti-inflammatory medication. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) help to relieve pain and lower inflammation.
‣ Cold compress. Cold compresses can help reduce swelling in the shoulder.
‣ Compression
‣ Heat therapy.
‣ Muscle relaxants.
‣ Pain medication.
‣ Rest and activity modification.
Can exercise make shoulder pain worse?
If anyone is suffering from shoulder pain then he/she should strictly avoid strenuous exercises. Vigorous exercise can aggravate shoulder pain and cause complications. Therefore, a consulting trained and qualified professional trainer is essential. Our skilled physiotherapist prescribes the most suitable exercises as per the severity of an injury. The patient should not do exercises on his/her own without consulting the doctor.
Why is shoulder pain worse at night?
Typically, shoulder pain that gets worse at night may be caused by bursitis, tendinopathy, or an injury to the rotator cuff. Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, which is a fluid-filled pad that provides a cushion to the bones of the joint.
How should I sleep with shoulder pain?
Here are some tips for finding a comfortable way to sleep with shoulder pain :
‣ Use two pillows, with the top pillow staggered slightly back of the bottom pillow.
‣ Try to lie on your side or back.
‣ Hug a pillow, as this will put your top shoulder in an open position.