Back Pain
Nowadays, where working hours are more than resting hours and the stress is taking over. People are complaining of back pains whether a child studying in school or an individual working for hours in office/home, a housewife working in a kitchen or an elderly. Back pain complaints are getting more common day by day due to the load we are giving to our body and spine.
Back Pains can be due to many reasons, some of them includes:
‣ Poor Posture (Commonest)- due to prolonged sitting or having bad posture
‣ Falls
‣ Ageing
‣ Trauma
‣ Muscle weakness
‣ Previous history of Injury or any other related medical problem
‣ Lifting Heavy Objects
‣ Poor sleeping Mattress
‣ Infections etc

Some of the Various treatments that physiotherapy offers includes:
➤ Modalities and proper Exercise plans in order to reduce pain and work on the muscles and other tissues around and make them healthier and stronger to perform activities.
➤ Mobilizations play an essential role in reducing pain as well as in increasing the movement.
➤ Educating about proper positioning of the body while sitting or lying also has a key role in managing back problems.
➤ Taping, cupping, and Dry needling as an advanced Physiotherapy options have shown to produce great benefits to the patients.
The spine is the backbone of our body. It not only helps us in sitting or standing but plays a major role in every movement we do, like twisting, turning, rolling, lying on the bed, sitting for long, playing, and whatnot. It bears every possible load and helps us to stay upright and perform our work properly.
While Just sitting on a chair for hours and doing work, our spine is still bearing a great amount of pressure and load. Therefore it is very important to take care of our back in every possible way we can.
Here, Physiotherapy plays a major role in taking care of your back and getting the patient back to their normal activity.
Physiotherapy doesn’t offer just short term management rather it has long term effects and goals and manages the patients issues better than any medicine would.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How physiotherapy treats back pain?
A physiotherapy professional helps to improve the movement and function of the joints and muscles. If one has back pain, they help to reduce it and get one back to normal mobility. They also advise making changes that reduce the chances of hurting the back again.
Why does my back hurt after the physio session?
Reasons that one might experience pain after a physio session is usually due to the muscles reacting to the work that has been done on them and should not be confused with an increase in the actual symptom.
Can Physiotherapy increase back pain?
Research has shown, that exercise is the best thing, although many people with back pain are fearful of making it worse. Physiotherapy rather brings a lot of relief to patients with back pain.
How can I reduce my back pain?
Some daily habits to stop back pain are below.
Sleep with a pillow under your knees.
Work your core.
Increase your calcium and vitamin D intake.
Change your shoes.
Straighten up.
Don’t slump over your desk.
Are there any self-remedies to reduce back pain?
Some commonly known remedies are :
Limit Bed Rest. Studies show that people with short-term low-back pain who rest feel more pain and have a harder time with daily tasks than those who stay active.
Maintain Good Posture.
Strengthen Your Core.
Improve Flexibility.
Ditch the Brace.
Apply Ice/Heat.
How do I sleep with Back Pain?
For some people, sleeping on their back may be the best position to relieve back pain: Lay flat on your back. Place a pillow underneath your knees and keep your spine neutral. You may also place a small, rolled-up towel under your back for added support.
Is Walking Good for Lower Back Pain?
Walking increases endorphin production. Endorphins are the body’s pain-inhibiting hormones, and exercise walking can spur their release. This means that walking not only helps to maintain your functional capabilities but can also reduce your experience of chronic lower back pain.
How can I avoid back pain?
Prevention is the best strategy for coping with back pain and can save a great deal of time and agony. Become an educated health care consumer by learning about effective prevention methods as mentioned below :
Sleep on a firm mattress.
Stretch before and after strenuous activity.
When sitting for long periods, take frequent breaks.
Avoid smoking, which accelerates degeneration in the spine.
Don’t try to lift objects that are too heavy for you. When lifting, use the strength in your legs more than the back.
Maintain a healthy weight and try to avoid weight gain, especially around the mid-section, which can take a toll on the low back.
Use good posture at all times, and do not slouch. When standing, keep your weight balanced on both feet rather than shifting it back and forth.