
A healthy diet gives way to Healthy Life. Diet plays a very important role in an individual’s life. People suffering from serious illness require a healthy balanced diet in order to be fit and healthy. But getting a balanced diet is more difficult than it seems, due to a lack of awareness of the importance of healthy food over junk food. Unhealthy dietary habits lead to many lifestyle-related diseases like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, and obesity, etc.
To get a better understanding of a healthy diet and good nutrition it is necessary to consult a Dietician. Our Nutrition experts aid people with the management of specific dietary needs in many different areas, including cardiac care, diabetes, childhood, and adult obesity. They also provide nutritional care and counsel about lifestyle maintenance of :
➤ Eating well when dining out
➤ Planning healthy meals at home
➤ Feeding people at home with different nutritional needs
➤ Heart-healthy eating etc.

We provide specialized nutrition programs for the categories and diseases listed below:
➤ Sports Athlete
➤ Weight Management
➤ High Blood Pressure
➤ High cholesterol
➤ Diabetes, Type 1 & 2
➤ Gestational Diabetes
➤ Cardiovascular Diseases
➤ Food Allergies and Intolerances
➤ Eating Disorders
➤ Low Energy and Fatigue
➤ Lifestyle and Overall Wellness
➤ PCOS etc
A healthy diet plan varies from person to person. It also depends upon one’s sex, environment, and age, and hence it is advisable to seek consultation from a well-qualified dietician and chalk out a healthy diet plan for oneself. We provide you with the best and Experienced Dietician who looks after your diet and helps you stay healthy and disease-free.
Like it is not advisable to take any medication without doctor consultation, in a similar way one can take proper diet consultation for consuming anything.
Good nourishment is a key component of recovering from surgery or illness. Our Dietician provides proper nutrition care and advice to patients while they are in the hospital and post-discharge. Once you are under our dietician’s care we make sure that u stay fit, healthy, and strong physically.
What our Clients have to say
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the dietician help me lose weight without side effects?
Yes, our experienced dietitian can help you set realistic weight loss goals. Most people should aim to lose about 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. Our dietitian will tell you how many calories to eat per day to lose weight steadily and safely without any complications or ill effects on health later.
Can problems like Diabetes, PCOD, Hypertension, and thyroid be treated with the diet?
Yes along with the lifestyle change, a proper diet plan helps in managing such problems to a great extent than any other treatment options. Every condition requires a different plan which a Dietician provides with proper follow-up and minimal side effects hence giving amazing results and life-changing results.
What should be the main things to consider in the diet for a patient with Type 1 diabetes?
Diabetes type 1 diet should include:
‣ Variety of food containing unsaturated fats such as nuts, avocados, and oily fish.
‣ Avoid processed food.
‣ Include high fibre food.
‣ Eat more fruits and vegetables.
‣ Include beans and lentils in your diet.
‣ Reduce or avoid intake of salt, sugar, and alcohol.
For a proper diet chart kindly consult our dietician who will provide you with every single detail and food plan to be followed without any side effects.
What are the benefits of seeing a registered dietitian?
The following benefits one gets on seeing a registered dietician
‣ The program is personally tailored based on the nutritional requirement of the body.
‣ The fulfilment of depleted nutrition help in managing chronic diseases.
‣ One gets guidance on food allergies, sensitivities, weight gain, self-image, etc.